

Each of our partners, members of the Board of Directors, employees, suppliers, advisors, contractors, and allies is an essential part of Tuscany. Within the guidelines of our corporate program, we are committed to achieving the highest standards of work life and best business practices, based on ethical principles of integrity, responsibility, transparency, honesty, learning, performance, and teamwork.

The Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CCBE) is a guide that all our partners, members of the Board of Directors, employees, suppliers, contractors, advisors, and allies must follow, regardless of the location where Tuscany operates, in order to achieve the highest standards of work life and best business practices, upon which our success depends.

Failure to comply with these conduct rules will result in disciplinary and legal sanctions, depending on the conduct committed. Therefore, we must read, understand, seek advice, and report any situation that jeopardizes or violates the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics, whether by our own action or omission, by any other Tuscany employee regardless of their position, or by any supplier.

The Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CCBE) establishes a framework of values, principles, guidelines, and responsibilities that underpin our work and relationships with other individuals and entities in the public and private sectors. It is a guide that will allow us to identify situations that threaten our rights, values, and corporate principles to act correctly and avoid any responsibility to the company and/or administrative or judicial authorities for violating the Code of Conduct and/or applicable laws.

However, situations may arise that are not covered in this Code and that may threaten our values, principles, and corporate guidelines, so the indicated reporting or advisory procedures should be followed.

The publication of the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CCBE) along with the training program will provide us with the tools to act in accordance with Tuscany’s corporate policies, seek advice or guidance, or report risks or violations to the Code.

Annually, all employees, advisors, suppliers, contractors, and other business partners will have to acknowledge in writing that they have read, fully understood, and commit to complying with this Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (CBEE).

Code of conduct



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